What are mentions?

From Hornbill
Revision as of 13:34, 2 July 2014 by NeilF (talk | contribs)
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When you are creating updating an activity stream (for a post or a comment), you can highlight one or more co-workers using a mention. Try mentioning them using the '@' signs and then their first name. As you type, a list of people will appear. Select the person you want to mention.

When you do this, the person should receive a notification that you mentioned them in a post They'll also be able to see the post which they were mentioned in, even if the post wasn't originally shared with them.

Mentioning people is particularly useful when you're on a huge post and you want to address someone specifically, or when you want to add someone to a post.

info - Currently if you receive a notification that you have been mentioned you will not be able to see the post if its not for a closed workspace. If its for a public workspace that you do not belong to you will need to join the workspace to add a comment.