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== Example ==
== Example ==

Revision as of 14:00, 18 December 2014

When you are creating updating an activity stream (for a post or a comment), you can highlight one or more co-workers using a mention. Try mentioning them using the '@' signs and then their first name. As you type, a list of people will appear. Select the person you want to mention.

When you do this, the person should receive a notification that you mentioned them in a post. They'll also be able to see the post which they were mentioned in, even if the post wasn't originally shared with them.

Mentioning people is particularly useful when you're on a huge post and you want to address someone specifically, or when you want to add someone to a post.

To watch this in action please see this brief Video:-

info - Currently if you receive a notification that you have been mentioned you will not be able to see the post if its not for a closed workspace. If its for a public workspace that you do not belong to you will need to join the workspace to add a comment.

