GRC Operational Risk Registers

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Home > Applications > GRC > Risk Management > Operational Risk Registers Index


A risk register is a record used as a repository for all risks identified and includes additional information about each risk.

Creating a Risk Register

  • Register
Provide a name of your Risk Register
  • Summary
Rrovide a summary of what this Risk Register will be used for.
  • Owner
The Owner of this Risk Register. This will default to the person creating the Risk Register

Managing a Risk Register

  • Activity
The Activity Stream allows for users to post and comment about activities related to this register.
  • Details
Update and manage the register name, summary, and owner. Additional options provide the linking of the register to an Authority Document
  • Setup Risk Criteria
Using Likelihood and Impact a matrix can be defined to rate all risks that are added to this register
  • Linked Risks
Risks that have been linked to this register. New risks can be raised from this view, which will automatically make the association to this register
  • Events
Create a new risk event
  • Tasks & Reviews
Create appointments and activities that need to be completed for this risk register
  • Attachments
Add any additional information as an attachment