Live Chat Notifications

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Home > Live Chat > Notifications


In Hornbill Live Chat an Organisation is used to send all members a notification when a new chat sessions is started.

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  • Open Hornbill Administration
  • Click on the Hornbill Live Chat Tile
  • Click on Configuration
From here you can select a Notification Team the drop-down shows you all Organisations within the Hornbill System, if you do not already have one with the correct members then take a look Here.


Live chat provides a number of ways to notify agents when a new chat session has been started by a customer or user

  • Chat Session List - The chat session list is automatically updated when a new chat session is started or a new message is posted showing you the latest information on all chats taking place in real-time
  • Chat Session - The chat session page will automatically update with the latest messages, if you are not focused on a chat session when a new message comes in the title of that session will show an indicator [NEW] that the new messages have been posted
  • Chat Popup - A toast popup can be configured to display in the bottom right-hand corner of the hornbill app, whenever a new chat session is started and/or when a new chat message is received to a chat you have accepted. These 2 types of popups can be enabled/disabled from the bell icon on the chat session page. The new messgae popup will only be displayed if you a not currently viewing that chat, and will be dismissed automatically when you view that chat.
  • Desktop notification - You can also receive desktop notifications for new chats and new messages, these will be displayed when hornbill user app is not open or in focus. You can enable the desktop notification on the My Personal Settings page under Notifications tab under the Live Chat heading.


The following translations keys are used to generate the Notification content:

  • - New Chat Session Has been Started By %1
  • - New Chat Session %1 has been started

Note: the %1 is both translations is important and used to allow the system to inject the markup to make the name or chat session id clickable.

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