Database Asset Relationship Import

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Database Asset Relationship Import - GO

This tool allows you to insert and update relationships between assets in Hornbill - linked assets in Service Manager, as well as dependencies and impact records in Configuration Manager.


  • Download the ZIP archive containing the import executable relevant for your architecture
  • Extract zip into a folder you would like the application to run from e.g. C:\assetrelationshipimport\
  • Open conf.json and add in the necessary configration
  • Open a Command Line/Terminal as Administrator
  • Change Directory to the folder with the executable and config file C:\assetrelationshipimport\
  • Run the command : asset_rel_import.exe


Example JSON File:

    "KeySafeKeyID": 0,
    "Database": {
        "Source": "mssql",
        "Authentication": "SQL",
        "Encrypt": false
    "Query":"SELECT d.h_entity_l_id AS lid, al.h_name AS lname, d.h_entity_r_id AS rid, ar.h_name AS rname, d.h_dependency AS dep, i.h_impact AS imp FROM h_cmdb_config_items_dependency d LEFT JOIN h_cmdb_assets al ON d.h_entity_l_id = al.h_pk_asset_id LEFT JOIN h_cmdb_assets ar ON d.h_entity_r_id = ar.h_pk_asset_id LEFT JOIN h_cmdb_config_items_impact i ON d.h_entity_l_id = i.h_entity_l_id AND d.h_entity_r_id = i.h_entity_r_id",
    "AssetIdentifier": {
        "Parent": "lname",
        "Child": "rname",
        "Dependency": "dep",
        "Hornbill": "Name"
    "DepencencyMapping": {
        "Runs On":"Runs On",
        "Hosted On":"Hosted On",
        "Member Of":"Member Of"
    "ImpactMapping": {
    "RemoveLinks": false,
    "RemoveQuery":"SELECT d.h_entity_l_id AS lid, al.h_name AS lname, d.h_entity_r_id AS rid, ar.h_name AS rname, d.h_dependency AS dep, i.h_impact AS imp FROM h_cmdb_config_items_dependency d LEFT JOIN h_cmdb_assets al ON d.h_entity_l_id = al.h_pk_asset_id LEFT JOIN h_cmdb_assets ar ON d.h_entity_r_id = ar.h_pk_asset_id LEFT JOIN h_cmdb_config_items_impact i ON d.h_entity_l_id = i.h_entity_l_id AND d.h_entity_r_id = i.h_entity_r_id",
    "RemoveAssetIdentifier": {
        "Parent": "lname",
        "Child": "rname",
        "Dependency": "dep",
        "Hornbill": "Name",
        "RemoveBothSides": true
  • KeySafeKeyID - The ID (primary key) of the KeySafe Key that contains your database connection authentication information. Note, this KeySafe Key should be of type `Database Authentication`
  • Database
    • Source - the driver to use to connect to the database that holds the asset information:
      • mssql = Microsoft SQL Server (2005 or above)
      • mysql = MySQL Server 4.1+, MariaDB
      • mysql320 = MySQL Server v3.2.0 to v4.0
      • odbc = ODBC Data Source using SQL Server driver
        • When using ODBC as a data source, the Database, UserName, Password and Query parameters should be populated accordingly:
          • Database - this should be populated with the name of the ODBC connection on the PC that is running the tool
          • UserName - this should be the SQL authentication Username to connect to the Database
          • Password - this should be the password for the above username
    • Authentication - The tupe of authentication to use to connect to the SQL server. Can be either:
      • Windows - Windows Account authentication, uses the logged-in Windows account to authenticate
      • SQL - uses SQL Server authentication, and requires the Username and Password parameters (below) to be populated
    • Encrypt Boolean value to specify wether the connection between the script and the database should be encrypted. NOTE: There is a bug in SQL Server 2008 and below that causes the connection to fail if the connection is encrypted. Only set this to true if your SQL Server has been patched accordingly
  • Query The basic SQL query to retrieve asset relationship information from the data source
  • AssetIdentifier - an object containing details to match asset information returned from the Query, above, to existing asset records in your Hornbill instance:
    • Parent - specifies the column from the above Query that holds the Parent asset unique identifier
    • Child - specifies the column from the above Query that holds the Child asset unique identifier
    • Dependency - specifies the column from the above Query that holds the value of the Dependency
    • Impact - specifies the column from the above Query that holds the value of the Impact
    • Hornbill - specifies which column to use from the Hornbill asset records to match with the Parent and Child column output from the Query. The following values are supported:
      • Name - This will attempt to match the Hornbill asset using the Name field
      • Tag - This will attempt to match the Hornbill asset using the Asset Tag field
      • Description - This will attempt to match the Hornbill asset using the Description field
  • DependencyMapping - an object containing properties to match the dependency column output from the Query to the available Hornbill dependency values. The property names should be the dependencies as expected from the Query output, and their values should be the matching depencency from your Hornbill instance
  • ImpactMapping - an object containing properties to match the impact column output from the Query to the available Hornbill impact values. The property names should be the impacts as expected from the Query output, and their values should be the matching impact from your Hornbill instance
  • RemoveLinks - Boolean true or flalse, defines whether or not to attempt removal of asset relationship records
  • RemoveQuery - The basic SQL query to retrieve records for asset relationship removal from the data source
  • RemoveAssetIdentifier - an object containing details to match asset information returned from the `RemovalQuery`, above, to existing asset and relationship records in your Hornbill instance:
    • Parent - specifies the column from the above `RemoveQuery` that holds the Parent asset unique identifier
    • Child - specifies the column from the above `RemoveQuery` that holds the Child asset unique identifier
    • Dependency - specifies the column from the above `RemoveQuery` that holds the value of the Dependency
    • Impact - specifies the column from the above `RemoveQuery` that holds the value of the Impact
    • Hornbill - specifies which column to use from the Hornbill asset records to match with the `Parent` and `Child` column output from the `RemoveQuery`. The following values are supported:
      • Name - This will attempt to match the Hornbill asset using the Name field
      • Tag - This will attempt to match the Hornbill asset using the Asset Tag field
      • Description - This will attempt to match the Hornbill asset using the Description field
    • RemoveBothSides - Boolean true or false, if the links on both sides of the relationship need to be removed

API Key Rules

This utility uses (API keys):

  • data:entityAddRecord
  • data:entityDeleteRecord
  • data:entityUpdateRecord
  • data:getRecordCount
  • data:queryExec
  • system:logMessage
  • apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Asset:linkAsset
  • apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Asset:unlinkAsset


Command Line Parameters

  • file - Defaults to `conf.json` - Name of the Configuration file to load.
  • dryrun - Defaults to `false` - Set to true and the XMLMC for the creation and update of assets will not be called, and instead the generated XML for each asset will be dumped to the log file. This is to aid in debugging the initial connection information.
  • creds - Defaults to `false` - Set to true to return the API key that is stored in your import configuration. See NOTE in First Run, below. As well as user & computer specific access, you will also be prompted to input the ID of the instance that the API key was generated on.
  • version - Defaults to `false` - Set to true to return the version number of the tool, then exit

First Run

From version 2.0.0 of this utility, when you first run the utility it will prompt you for the ID of your Hornbill instance (case-sensitive), and the API key (also case-sensitive) that will be used to authenticate the API calls back into Hornbill. This information will be encrypted, and stored locally on the client PC that will be running the tool. For each subsequent import run, the utility will decrypt your instance ID and API key, and will use those to make the API calls back into Hornbill.

NOTE - the encrypted instance ID and API key can only be decrypted on the computer, and by the user, that performed the encryption, so please keep this in mind when scheduling your imports.

Should you wish to use a different API key to what has been previously encrypted, just delete the import.cfg file from the folder where the import binary resides, and re-run your import from the command line inputting the Instance ID and new API Key as you would have on its first run.


If you run the application with the argument dryrun=true then no asset relationships will be created or updated, the XML used to create or update will be saved in the log file so you can ensure the data mappings are correct before running the import.

goDBAssetRelationships.exe -dryrun=true



You can schedule goDBAssetRelationships.exe to run with any optional command line argument from Windows Task Scheduler:

  • Ensure the user account running the task has rights to goDBAssetRelationships.exe and the containing folder.
  • Make sure the Start In parameter contains the folder where goDBAssetRelationships.exe resides in otherwise it will not be able to pick up the correct path.


All Logging output is saved in the log directory in the same directory as the executable the file name contains the date and time the import was run assetRelationships20190925140000.log