Business Processes

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When setting up or amending workflow there are two pages you will need to know how to use.

  1. BPM list view - This displays a list of all active and in-active workflows that have been saved. Selecting a workflow will open the BPM edit screen. You can use the following options to manage them :-
  • create new New workflow - Provide the workflow name and a new basic new Workflow will be created with a start and end node
  • delete Delete workflow - This will remove the workflow from the list
  • copy Copy workflow - Create a copy of an existing workflow with a new name
  • copy Rename workflow - Rename an existing workflow
  • copy Activate/Deactivate workflow -Change the state of the workflow to allow or dis-allow its execution
2. BPM Edit screen -

Example of BPM List view

bpm list

Example of BPM Edit view

bpm list