Service Manager Request Import Utility: Difference between revisions

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Line 67: Line 67:
       "DefaultTeam":"Service Desk",
       "DefaultTeam":"Service Desk",
      "DefaultOwner": "ownerid",
       "DefaultService": "Communications",
      "DefaultCatalog": 3,
       "RequestQuery":"SELECT opencall.callref, opencall.h_formattedcallref, FROM_UNIXTIME(logdatex) as logdate, FROM_UNIXTIME(closedatex) as closedate, cust_id, cust_name, itsm_title, owner, suppgroup, status, updatedb.updatetxt, priority, itsm_impact_level, itsm_urgency_level, withinfix, withinresp, bpm_workflow_id, probcode, fixcode, site FROM opencall, updatedb WHERE updatedb.callref = opencall.callref AND updatedb.udindex = 0 AND opencall.callclass = 'Incident'",
       "RequestQuery":"SELECT opencall.callref, opencall.h_formattedcallref, FROM_UNIXTIME(logdatex) as logdate, FROM_UNIXTIME(closedatex) as closedate, cust_id, cust_name, itsm_title, owner, suppgroup, status, updatedb.updatetxt, priority, itsm_impact_level, itsm_urgency_level, withinfix, withinresp, bpm_workflow_id, probcode, fixcode, site FROM opencall, updatedb WHERE updatedb.callref = opencall.callref AND updatedb.udindex = 0 AND opencall.callclass = 'Incident'",
Line 158: Line 160:
       "AppRequestType":"Service Request",
       "AppRequestType":"Service Request",
       "DefaultTeam":"Service Desk",
       "DefaultTeam":"Service Desk",
      "DefaultOwner": "ownerid",
       "DefaultService": "Communications",
      "DefaultCatalog": 3,
       "RequestQuery":"SELECT opencall.callref, opencall.h_formattedcallref, FROM_UNIXTIME(logdatex) as logdate, FROM_UNIXTIME(closedatex) as closedate, cust_id, cust_name, itsm_title, owner, suppgroup, status, updatedb.updatetxt, priority, itsm_impact_level, itsm_urgency_level, withinfix, withinresp, bpm_workflow_id, probcode, fixcode, site FROM opencall, updatedb WHERE updatedb.callref = opencall.callref AND updatedb.udindex = 0 AND opencall.callclass = 'Service Request'",
       "RequestQuery":"SELECT opencall.callref, opencall.h_formattedcallref, FROM_UNIXTIME(logdatex) as logdate, FROM_UNIXTIME(closedatex) as closedate, cust_id, cust_name, itsm_title, owner, suppgroup, status, updatedb.updatetxt, priority, itsm_impact_level, itsm_urgency_level, withinfix, withinresp, bpm_workflow_id, probcode, fixcode, site FROM opencall, updatedb WHERE updatedb.callref = opencall.callref AND updatedb.udindex = 0 AND opencall.callclass = 'Service Request'",
Line 257: Line 261:
   "ServiceMapping": {
   "ServiceMapping": {
     "External Service Name":"Service Manager Service Name"
     "External Service Name":"Service Manager Service Name"
  "ServiceCatalogItemMapping": {
    "External Service Catalog Item Name": 1

Revision as of 16:24, 21 March 2019

About the Hornbill Service Manager Request Import Utility

The utility provides a simple, safe and secure way to migrate call data from a database or ODBC connection in to Hornbill Service Manager. The tool is designed to run behind your corporate firewall, and requires access to your request data host(s) or ODBC connection.

The tool connects to your Hornbill instance in the cloud over HTTPS/SSL, so as long as you have standard internet access then you should be able to use the tool without the need to make any firewall configuration changes.

The following tasks are carried out when the tool is executed:

  • Request data is extracted as per your specification, as outlined in the Configuration section of this document;
  • New requests are raised on Service Manager using the extracted request data and associated mapping specifications;
  • Request diary entries from your source data are imported as Historic Updates against the new Service Manager Requests;
  • Business process workflows are spawned and associated to your new requests (where relevant).

Open Source

The Hornbill Service Manager Request Import Utility is provided open source under the Hornbill Community Licence and can be found Here on GitHub

Installation Overview

Windows Installation

  • Download the OS nd architecture specific ZIP archive
  • Extract zip into a folder you would like the application to run from e.g. C:\request_import\
  • Open conf.json and add in the necessary configuration
  • Open a Command Line Prompt as Administrator
  • Change Directory to the folder containing the utility C:\request_import\
  • Run the command relevant to the OS of the machine you are running this on:

Windows: goHornbillRequestImport.exe -dryrun=true

OSX: ./goHornbillRequestImport -dryrun=true

Configuration Overview

A demonstration configuration file is provided within the package, which includes configuration for importing request data from your data source. If a configuration file is not specified as a command line argument when executing the tool, then a default configuration file named conf.json, containing the correct JSON, must exist. The following configuration file contains the configuration elements required when importing request data:

Example Configuration file

Click "Read More" to expand this section and show an example conf.json file. -------->>>>

 "HBConf": {
   "InstanceID": "",
 "AppDBConf": {
   "Driver": "swsql",
   "Server": "",
   "Database": "",
   "UserName": "",
   "Password": "",
   "Port": 5002,
   "Encrypt": false
     "Description":"This object configures the importing of Incidents",
     "ServiceManagerRequestType": "Incident",
     "DefaultTeam":"Service Desk",
     "DefaultOwner": "ownerid",
     "DefaultService": "Communications",
     "DefaultCatalog": 3,
     "RequestQuery":"SELECT opencall.callref, opencall.h_formattedcallref, FROM_UNIXTIME(logdatex) as logdate, FROM_UNIXTIME(closedatex) as closedate, cust_id, cust_name, itsm_title, owner, suppgroup, status, updatedb.updatetxt, priority, itsm_impact_level, itsm_urgency_level, withinfix, withinresp, bpm_workflow_id, probcode, fixcode, site FROM opencall, updatedb WHERE updatedb.callref = opencall.callref AND updatedb.udindex = 0 AND opencall.callclass = 'Incident'",
     "CoreFieldMapping": {
       "h_description":"Imported Incident Reference: [h_formattedcallref]\n\n[updatetxt]",
       "h_custom_a":"Custom Data",
     "RequestHistoricUpdateQuery":"SELECT *, FROM_UNIXTIME(updatetime) AS udtime FROM updatedb WHERE callref = {RequestGUID}",
     "Description":"This object configures the importing of Service Requests",
     "ServiceManagerRequestType": "Service Request",
     "AppRequestType":"Service Request",
     "DefaultTeam":"Service Desk",
     "DefaultOwner": "ownerid",
     "DefaultService": "Communications",
     "DefaultCatalog": 3,
     "RequestQuery":"SELECT opencall.callref, opencall.h_formattedcallref, FROM_UNIXTIME(logdatex) as logdate, FROM_UNIXTIME(closedatex) as closedate, cust_id, cust_name, itsm_title, owner, suppgroup, status, updatedb.updatetxt, priority, itsm_impact_level, itsm_urgency_level, withinfix, withinresp, bpm_workflow_id, probcode, fixcode, site FROM opencall, updatedb WHERE updatedb.callref = opencall.callref AND updatedb.udindex = 0 AND opencall.callclass = 'Service Request'",
     "CoreFieldMapping": {
       "h_description":"Imported Incident Reference: [h_formattedcallref]\n\n[updatetxt]",
     "RequestHistoricUpdateQuery":"SELECT *, FROM_UNIXTIME(updatetime) AS udtime FROM updatedb WHERE callref = {RequestGUID}",
 "PriorityMapping": {
   "External Priority":"Service Manager Priority"
 "TeamMapping": {
   "External Group ID":"Service Manager Team Name"
 "CategoryMapping": {
   "External Profile Code":"Service Manager Profile Code"
 "ResolutionCategoryMapping": {
   "External Resolution Profile Code":"Service Manager Resolution Profile Code"
 "ServiceMapping": {
   "External Service Name":"Service Manager Service Name"
 "ServiceCatalogItemMapping": {
   "External Service Catalog Item Name": 1
   "1" : "",
   "2" : "",
   "3" : "",
   "4" : "status.onHold",
   "5" : "",
   "6" : "status.resolved",
   "8" : "",
   "9" : "",
   "10" : "",
   "11" : "",
   "16" : "status.closed",
   "17" : "status.cancelled",
   "18" : "status.closed"

What do I put in the Configuration file?


Connection information for the Hornbill instance:

  • InstanceID - This is the name of your Hornbill instance and can be found within the URL you use to navigate to it:[instance name]/. This value is case sensitive.
  • APIKeys - This is an array of API Keys with which the tool will log the new requests. A minimum of 1 and a maximum of 10 can be defined. The more API keys provided, the more workers will import requests concurrently. API Keys can be created against the same user account in Hornbill


Contains the connection information for the database (direct or via ODBC) that contains the request data for import.

  • Driver - the driver to use to connect to the database that holds the request data:
    • swsql : Supportworks 7.x SQL (MySQL v4.0.16). Also supports MySQL v3.2.0 to <v5.0
    • mysql : MySQL Server v5.0 or above, or MariaDB
    • mssql : Microsoft SQL Server (2005 or above)
    • odbc : An ODBC connection that resides on the machine performing the import
    • csv : An ODBC connection that resides on the machine performing the import, which is specifically using the "Microsoft Access Text Driver", and is configured to look at a folder containing CSV files.
  • Server - The address for the database host (or if using odbc or csv drivers)
  • UserName - The username for the SQL database
  • Password - Password for above User Name
  • Port - SQL port if connecting to a database directly
  • Encrypt - Boolean value to specify whether the connection between the script and the database should be encrypted. NOTE: There is a bug in SQL Server 2008 and below that causes the connection to fail if the connection is encrypted. Only set this to true if your SQL Server has been patched accordingly.


Should contain an integer value of 0 or 1, to determine the customer type for the records being imported:

  • 0 - Hornbill Users
  • 1 - Hornbill Contacts
  • 2 - This will first search through the Users for a matching account, and if none is found then will search through the Contacts for a matching customer


When searching through active Contacts for customer records (selecting either option 1 or 2 above), this needs populating with the unique column to search against. Examples:

  • h_logon_id - this is the login ID column for the contact
  • h_email_1 - this is the primary email address of the contact


When this parameter is populated, a parser in the tool will take the mapped datetime values from the request queries (h_datelogged, h_dateresolved and h_dateclosed from CoreFieldMapping, and h_updatedate from HistoricUpdateMapping), along with the value of this parameter, and convert the datetime into a Hornbill-compatible datetime string. See the format constants in the [Go time format documentation] for more information on populating this field.


A JSON array of objects that contain request-type specific configuration.

  • Description - a string that allows you to describe the current request type object within the array. This is not used by the tool, so can contain any text string.
  • Import - boolean true/false. Specifies whether the current class section should be included in the import.
  • ServiceManagerRequestType - specifies the Service Manager request type that the current Conf section relates to.
  • AppRequestType - specifies the request type of the requests being imported.
  • DefaultTeam - If a request is being imported, and the tool cannot verify its Support Group, then the Support Group from this variable is used to assign the request.
  • DefaultOwner - If a request is being imported, and the tool cannot verify its Owner, then the Analyst ID from this variable is used to assign the request.
  • DefaultPriority - If a request is being imported, and the tool cannot verify its Priority, then the Priority from this variable is used to escalate the request.
  • DefaultService - If a request is being imported, and the tool cannot verify its Service from the mapping, then the Service from this variable is used to log the request.
  • DefaultCatalog - If the DefaultService (above) is being used for a record, then populating this with the primary key of the Catalog Item set against the Service for the Request Type being imported will ensure that the Catalog Item, and associated BPM Workflow, will be used when creating the Request. NOTE - the Catalog Item Primary Key value must be for the default language record, and not a translated catalog item record.
  • RequestQuery - The query used to retrieve request data from your data source
    • When using a SQL source, this would be a SQL query
    • When using an ODBC source, this query would be specific to that ODBC connector, for example:
      • When the ODBC is using CSV files as its data source, the RequestQuery string may look like: SELECT * FROM requestImport.csv
      • When the ODBC is using The Microsoft Excel driver, and therefore an XLS or XLSX files as its data source, the RequestQuery string may look like the following, where [requestData$] refers to the worksheet in the spreadsheet that contains the request data: SELECT * FROM [requestData$]
      • IMPORTANT NOTE - When using an ODBC source to connect to CSV or Excel spreadsheets using the Microsoft Excel ODBC Driver, the SQL Query will not properly support DISTINCT or UNION statements and if using these then your data may be truncated to 255 characters per column. This is a limitation in the Microsoft Excel ODBC Driver and not this tool. The tool has extra code to help with this limitation and prevent duplication of records.
  • RequestReferenceColumn - This defines the column returned by the above query that holds the friendly name of the request reference
  • RequestGUID - This defines the column returned by the above query that holds the ID of the request reference. Depending on your data source, this may be the same as RequestReferenceColumn. This is used when searching for import request specific historic update data.
  • CoreFieldMapping - The core fields used by the API calls to raise requests within Service Manager, and how the imported data should be mapped into these fields.
    • Any value wrapped with [] will be populated with the corresponding response from the request Query
    • Any Other Value is treated literally as the written example:
      • "h_summary":"[itsm_title]", - the value of itsm_title is taken from the SQL output and populated within this field
      • "h_description":"Incident Reference: [oldCallRef]\n\n[updatetxt]", - the request description would be populated with "Incident Reference: ", followed by the imported request reference, 2 new lines then the description text from the request.
    • Any Hornbill Date Field being populated should have a datetime stamp passed to it, in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
    • Note: "h_dateclosed":"[closedatex]", - opencall.closedatex is used to hold the date a request will come off hold. This must be populated if you are importing requests from in an On-Hold or Closed status.
    • Core Fields that can resolve associated record from passed-through value:
      • "h_site_id":"[site]", - When a string is passed to the site field, the script attempts to resolve the given site name against the Site entity, and populates the request with the correct site information. If the site cannot be resolved, the site details are not populated for the request being imported.
      • "h_fk_user_id":"[cust_id]", - As site, above, but resolves the original request customer against the users or contacts within Hornbill.
      • "h_ownerid":"[owner]", - As site, above, but resolves the original request owner against the analysts within Hornbill.
      • "h_category_id":"[probcode]", - As site, above, but uses additional CategoryMapping from the configuration, as detailed below.
      • "h_closure_category_id":"[fixcode]", - As site, above, but uses additional ResolutionCategoryMapping from the configuration, as detailed below.
      • "h_ownerid":"[owner]", - As site, above, but resolves the original request owner against the analysts within Hornbill.
      • "h_fk_team_id":"[suppgroup]", - As site, above, but uses additional TeamMapping from the configuration, as detailed below.
      • "h_fk_priorityid":"[priority]", - As site, above, but uses additional PriorityMapping from the configuration, as detailed below.
  • AdditionalFieldMapping - Contains additional columns that can be stored against the new request record. Mapping rules are as above.
  • RequestHistoricUpdateQuery - The query used to retrieve request diary update data from your data source. To inject the request GUID as found in the rows returned by the RequestQuery, add {RequestGUID} in to the appropriate clause. For example, in a CSV import this may look like: SELECT * FROM diaryImport.csv WHERE CALLREFERENCE = '{RequestGUID}'
  • HistoricUpdateMapping - The fields used by the API calls to store historic update records within Service Manager, and how the imported data should be mapped in to these fields. See CoreFieldMapping above for more information on how these should be mapped.


Allows for the mapping of Priorities between your source data and Hornbill Service Manager, where the left-side properties list the Priorities from the import source, and the right-side values are the corresponding Priorities from Hornbill that should be used when escalating the new requests.


Allows for the mapping of Support Groups/Team between your source data and Hornbill Service Manager, where the left-side properties list the Support Group ID's from your source data, and the right-side values are the corresponding Team names from Hornbill that should be used when assigning the new requests.


Allows for the mapping of Problem Profiles/Request Categories between your source data and Hornbill Service Manager, where the left-side properties list the Profile Codes from your source data, and the right-side values are the corresponding Profile Codes from Hornbill that should be used when categorising the new requests.


Allows for the mapping of Resolution Profiles/Resolution Categories between your source data and Hornbill Service Manager, where the left-side properties list the Resolution Codes from your source data, and the right-side values are the corresponding Resolution Codes from Hornbill that should be used when applying Resolution Categories to the newly logged requests.


Allows for the mapping of Services between your source data and Hornbill Service Manager, where the left-side properties list the Service names from your source data, and the right-side values are the corresponding Services from Hornbill that should be used when raising the new requests.


Allows for the mapping of Request Statuses between your source data and Hornbill Service Manager, where the left-side properties list the Status IDs from your source data, and the right-side values are the corresponding Status IDs from Hornbill that should be used when importing the requests.

Command Line Parameters

  • file - Defaults to `conf.json` - Name of the Configuration file to load
  • dryrun - Defaults to `false` - Set to True and the XMLMC for the raising of new requests will not be called, and instead the generated XML for each request will be dumped to the log file. This is to aid in debugging the initial connection information.

HTTP Proxies

If you use a proxy for all of your internet traffic, the HTTP_PROXY Environment variable needs to be set. The https_proxy environment variable holds the hostname or IP address of your proxy server. It is a standard environment variable and like any such variable, the specific steps you use to set it depends on your operating system.

For windows machines, it can be set from the command line using the following:
Where "HOST" is the IP address or host name of your Proxy Server and "PORT" is the specific port number.

Testing Overview

If you run the application with the argument -dryrun=true then no requests will be raised within Service Manager - the XML used to raise requests will be saved in the log file so you can ensure the database mappings are correct before running the import.

goHornbillRequestImport_x64.exe -dryrun=true -file=conf.json

Logging Overview

All logging output is saved in the log directory, in the same directory as the executable. The file name contains the date and time the import was run request_import_2015-11-06T14-26-13Z.log

Trouble Shooting

Common Error Messages

Below are some common errors that you may encounter in the log file and what they mean:

  • [ERROR] Error Decoding Configuration File:..... - this will be typically due to a missing quote (") or comma (,) somewhere in the configuration file. This is where an online JSON viewer/validator can come in handy rather than trawling the conf file looking for that proverbial needle in a haystack.
  • [ERROR] Database Query Error: read tcp> wsarecv: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine. - This is most likely due to an incorrect Username and/or password specified in the AppDBConf section of the conf file. Check and confirm the username and password used to access your database.
  • [ERROR] Database Query Error: driver: bad connection. - Like the error above, this can be associated with an incorrect Username and/or password specified in the AppDBConf section of the conf file. Check and confirm the username and password used to access your database.

Error Codes

  • 100 - Unable to create log File
  • 101 - Unable to create log folder
  • 102 - Unable to Load Configuration File

Change Log

Click "Read More" to view the Change Log.

v1.2.0 - 04/01/2018


  • Added catch for duplicate request records to help with DISTINCT limitations in the Microsoft Excel ODBC driver
  • Improved datetime parsing, including new config parameter to allow the specification of the expected datetime string layout returned by the query

v1.1.0 - 19/12/2018


  • Added support to search both Contacts and Users for request customer, rather than just one or the other

v1.0.0 - 21/11/2018

Initial Release